Visual Information Processing and Communication III, 2012.

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Abstract: The improvements in scanning technologies lead obtaining and managing range image databases. Hence, need of describing and indexing this type of data arises. Since a range model owns different properties compared to complete 3D models, we propose a method that relies on Spherical Harmonics Transform (SHT) for retrieving similar models where the query and the database both consist of only range models. Although SHT, is not a new concept in shape retrieval research, we propose to utilize it for range images by representing the models in a world seen from the camera. The difference and advantage of our algorithm is being information lossless. That is the available shape information is completely included in obtaining the descriptor whereas other mesh retrieval applications utilizing SHT "approximates" the shape that leads information loss. The descriptor is invariant to scale and rotations about z-axis. Proposed method is tested on a large database having high diversity. Performance of the proposed method is superior to the performance of the D2 distribution.